Flammable Liquids - An Overview
Flammable Liquids - An Overview
Working around, and with, flammable liquids presents some serious risks. But convenient, compliant storage goes a long way to keeping people safe and property protected.
It starts with the right storage cabinets.
Chemshed Flammable cabinets are purpose designed and manufactured to deal with the challenges of Class 3 substances. They also provide a higher level of security against theft and misuse.
Available in sizes from 30L to 350L, they comply with the design requirements of AS1940:2017 for peace of mind.
View the full range here.
Further information
- Flammable Liquids – An Overview
- Chemshed Cabinet Survives Fire
- Hazardous Substances 101
- Why Purchase a Chemshed Cabinet?
- Or watch the video here
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